2024-03-22 Ercan Cairns Solo Exhibition

Ercan Cairns presents a body of works for the first time at The Upstairs Gallery. 

Cairns new works follow his celebration of creating with some of Aotearoa’s leading and most treasured artists. 

With these works he has pursued a direction to push Tūhoe imagery into the future, whilst guided by Atua.

Here are a few links about Ercan Cairns:

Ercan Cairns - Quick Burst - Pantograph Punch 

Ercan Cairns rumbles Ema TavolaAn essay commissioned for Ercan Cains’ solo exhibition for Michael Dodds Gallery, February 2022

The Hui Interview for Friends & Family

Friends + FamilyFrancis McWhannell reviews the exhibition at The Arts House Trust, 1 September–26 November 2023.
