Meet Marcus Hipa


Marcus Hipa is a Niuean Artist born and raised in Alofi, Niue Island.

 He moved to New Zealand to further his creative interests, attending the Elam School of Fine Arts at the University of Auckland, completing both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

 Drawing, painting and carving are some of the mediums he utilises to explore and share insights of his people’s history and culture. Celebrating the values, traditions, progress and sense of community, as well as shedding light on social and political issues affecting our Pacific people in our Pacific region and in Aotearoa.

 “The current COVID climate in New Zealand and time spent in lockdown made me think of home. Niue offers safety of isolation (not mandated); the routine of community as well as free movement of family and the individual. This created a sense of mental comfort which I have chosen to convey through my art.”

 Fakaue lahi kia mutolu oti (Thank you to everyone).”