Meet Bonnie Coad

Mixed Media Collage

Born in 1974 in England, Bonnie travelled to New Zealand to live in 1978 where she grew up on the West Coast of the South Island. She now lives in Marlborough in the heart of New Zealand’s wine region on a small lifestyle block surrounded by her many animals. She has been actively exhibiting her artworks since 2000 and after being awarded two scholarships, completed a Diploma with Honours in Art and Creativity in 2013. 

It was during her studies that Bonnie developed the "Pattern Pet" series of work that she has become best known for. Using old sewing patterns and her own hand made collage papers, Bonnie painstakingly collages her art works, using thousands of pieces of collage material. She then carefully and skilfully layers her materials so that people often do not recognise how her works have been constructed.

Bonnie has had her work selected for exhibition in many shows and awards. Texture, bright colours, pattern work, graphic text, humour and a strong comic thread are repeating themes within her body of work.

Bonnie is currently working on new pieces for the galleries who represent her work and for solo and group shows in 2018 and 2019.

Selected Exhibitions

2018 Nelson Art Expo 2018

2017 The NZ Art Show

2016 Luciano Benetton World Art Collection

2016 Clifton’s Art Prize

2015 Arts Gold Awards


Kiwi Consciousness: Contemporary Artists from New Zealand

Current Gallery Representation

The Coolstore Gallery, Mapua

The Upstairs Gallery, Titirangi